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music + movement


Our Music & Movement classes are designed to get our little ones up, moving, engaging, and learning through interactive play!


Incorporating common early childhood songs and dances, the M&M classes use repetition, song, and dance, to build and strengthen early learning milestones and goals.

music + SENSORY


Our Music & Sensory classes offer opportunities to engage with your little ones through music, dance, sensory exploration, play, and art!


Keeping the same fun M&M activities Speckled Frogs is known for, we also offer our littlest frogs an opportunity to learn through touch, sound, sight, smell, and even taste!

why music + Movement?

It is widely acknowledged that music is a vital compoentn of early years learning and engagement and studies have shown that music is one of the few external influencers which activates both the logical and creative (left and right) sides of the brain. What that tells us is that musical activities help to build brain connections which contribute to learning in all areas including physical, social, emotional, academic, and positive mental health responses. Music can, and should, be incorporated into daily life for children from infancy and musical aptitude has proven to be an early years precursor to cognitive enhancement in later years.

Brain development

Connecting all parts of the brain and engaging multiple senses for cognitive advancement.


Repetition and memorizing of new vocabulary. Songs and rhymes to understand how words are used together.

auditory perception

Distinguishing and manipulating sounds. Promoting the brain's ability to make sense of things it hears.

group play

Gathering and interacting with children of varying ages. Sharing musical props and completing tasks together.

social skills

Gaining access to new friends and faces, learning to speak and interact with one another, waiting turns and singing together.

motor skills

Learning and improving gross motor skills such as balance, coordination, and dance as well as improving building fine motor skills through props.


Thinking and solving problems through the manipulation of space and body. Exploring and creating new opportunities to engage with music.

self expression

Emotional and physical expression through music and dance in a positive, judgement-free environment.

price + Membership

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